Monitoring Deleted Objects

What is Delete Monitoring?

Sometimes data is deleted from the underlying platform that Rutter syncs data from. When supported, Rutter will query for deleted data and remove it from its system. Delete monitoring helps you keep your data synchronized with Rutter’s system by notifying you when objects are deleted in a connected platform. This ensures your records remain accurate and up-to-date, even when changes occur on the source platform.

How Does Delete Monitoring Work?

Rutter leverages webhooks to notify you of deletion events. When an object (such as a bill, invoice, or expense) is deleted in a connected platform, Rutter triggers a <OBJECT>_DELETED webhook event. You can subscribe to these webhooks to receive real-time updates about deletions and take appropriate action within your application.

To keep your own data in sync with Rutter's system, you can either query for deleted events of type object_deleted via the Events API, or you can subscribe to Delete Webhooks. These sources will expose the Rutter id of the deleted object so that you can remove them from your own database.

Supported Platforms for Delete Monitoring

Delete monitoring is not universally supported across all platforms and objects. Below is a detailed list of support:

PlatformSupported Objects
QuickBooksAccounts, Bank Deposits, Bank Transfers, Bills, Bill Payments, Customers, Expenses, Invoices, Invoice Payments, Items, Journal Entries, Purchase Orders, Vendors
QuickBooks Desktop (QBD)Accounts, Bank Deposits, Bills, Bill Payments, Customers, Expenses, Invoices, Invoice Payments, Items, Journal Entries, Purchase Orders, Vendors
NetSuiteAccounts, Bank Deposits, Bank Transfers, Bills, Bill Payments, Classes, Company Info, Currencies, Customers, Departments, Expenses, Invoices, Invoice Payments, Items, Journal Entries, Locations, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Subsidiaries, Vendors
XeroBank Feed Connections, Bills, Bill Credit Memos, Bill Payments, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Invoice Credit Memos, Invoice Payments, Sales Orders, Journal Entries, Bank Deposits, and Expenses

If a platform is listed for a <OBJECT>_DELETED webhook event in the Webhooks Configuration section of your Rutter Dashboard, it supports delete monitoring for that object.

Setting Up Delete Monitoring

  1. Subscribe to Webhooks: Ensure you have subscribed to the <OBJECT>_DELETED events in the Rutter Dashboard for the entities you want to monitor.

  2. Implement Webhook Handlers: Configure your application to listen for and process <OBJECT>_DELETED events. For example, if you receive a BILL_DELETED event, you may want to remove the corresponding bill from your database.

  3. Validate Events: Use the event payload to confirm the deletion and update your records accordingly. Refer to the Events API for payload details.


1. How can I determine if a platform supports delete monitoring?

Check the Webhooks Configuration in your Rutter Dashboard. If a <OBJECT>_DELETED webhook is available for a specific platform and object, delete monitoring is supported.

2. Are there plans to expand delete monitoring to additional platforms?

Yes, Rutter continuously evaluates and expands its platform support. Stay updated by checking this page, as well as the weekly Changelog sent out by Rutter.

If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact Rutter Support.