FreeAgent guide

Software Setup

To acquire your own FreeAgent instance, we suggest creating a FreeAgent account and signing up for a free trial.

FreeAgent does not provide any sample data, but comes with a default accounting setup that you can use to create transactions.

Rutter does not provide any FreeAgent instances.

Developer Account Setup

Login to FreeAgent Developer dashboard

  1. Login to FreeAgent Developer and create a new developer account.
  2. Click Create New App at the top right.
  3. Add Application Name, Description.
  4. Enter as the App Homepage URL.
  5. Enter as the redirect uri.
  6. After saving, the app should now be under the All apps page.
  7. Go to the app that you just created and get the OAuth identifier and the OAuth secret. Save these for the next part.

Share your Client Id and Client Secret with Rutter

  1. Log in to the Rutter Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Platforms → Accounting and click on FreeAgent.
  3. Enter your app’s Client ID and Client Secret from the previous step in the FreeAgent configuration page.

Connect to your FreeAgent app

  1. Log in to the Rutter Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Connections and click on Create New Connection in the top right.
  3. Copy the Shareable URL.
  4. This url will open up the auth flow. Auth Flow
  5. Click Continue and select FreeAgent as your platform.
  6. Click FreeAgent and then click Connect FreeAgent.
  7. You should be redirected to a login page for FreeAgent. Enter your credentials and click Log in.
  8. Click on Allow access.
  9. You should be redirected to a page indicating a successful connection. Successful Auth