NetSuite guide

Software Setup

To acquire your own NetSuite instance, you must purchase a NetSuite license by going to NetSuite's website and contacting their sales team.

Rutter can also help you get access to one of our sandbox instances for development purposes. These instances come with pre-existing data. Please contact your Rutter success manager to learn more.

Developer Account Setup

No additional developer account setup is needed.

The NetSuite authentication flow consists of a few steps, which are outlined below. These steps must be followed correctly to successfully connect a new NetSuite instance through Rutter Link.

  1. Open the Bundle Details for the Rutter AccountLink

  2. Click Install AccountLink Bundle

    If there are any conflicts on the Bundle Installation page, the safe solution would be to 'Add and Rename'.

    Note: The Rutter integration will use the permissions of the user who is installing the bundle. For this reason, we strongly recommend the user has Admin permissions so Rutter has access to perform all necessary actions. More information on Netsuite permissions can be found in the Permissions section.

Step 2: Enable SuiteCloud features

  1. Open the NetSuite Enable Features Page

  2. Navigate to the SuiteCloud tab inside your setup page

  3. Enable the following features:

    • SuiteScript


      SuiteScript Features

    • SuiteTalk (Web Services)


      SuiteScript Features

    • Manage Authentication



  4. Click Save

Step 3: Confirm Setup

Please confirm that you have successfully completed the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the 'AccountLink' Bundle (ID: 451666) has finished installation (Check the Installed Bundles Page and wait for there to be a green checkmark under Status). AccountLink Bundle
  2. Ensure that the required SuiteCloud features have been enabled.



How does a user revoke access to Rutter through NetSuite?

They can revoke the token created following this article.

Naming Conventions

Accounting platforms can refer to Rutter objects by different names internally.


NetSuite uses multiple objects to represent a Rutter expense: Credit Card Charges and Journal Entries.


For a full list of Netsuite permissions and their associated, Rutter function, see the table below:

ListDocuments and Files (Full)Remotely upating Rutter resources, also required for Attachment Uploads
ListMedia Folders (Full)Remotely upating Rutter resources, also required for Attachment Uploads
ListWebsite (External) publisher (Full)Remotely upating Rutter resources, also required for Attachment Uploads
SetupAllow JS / HTML Uploader (Full)Remotely upating Rutter resources, also required for Attachment Uploads
SetupLog in using Access Token (Full)Authentication
SetupAccess Token Management (Full)Authentication
SetupREST Web Services (Full)Rutter integration is powered by this
SetupSuiteScript (View)Rutter integration is powered by this
ReportsSuiteAnalytics Workbook (Edit)Rutter integration is powered by this
TransactionFind TransactionAllows for transaction queries
TransactionsBills (Full)Handles the AP workflow
TransactionsBill Payments (Full)Handles the AP workflow
TransactionsPay Bills (Full)Handles the AP workflow
TransactionsEnter Vendor Credits (Full)Handles the AP workflow
TransactionsPurchase Order (Full)Handles the AP workflow
ListVendorsHandles the AP workflow
TransactionsJournal Entries (Full)Handles all workflows
TransactionsDepositHandles all workflows
TransactionsTransferHandles all workflows
TransactionsInvoice (Full)Handles the AR workflow
TransactionsInvoice Sales Orders (Full)Handles the AR workflow
TransactionsCredit Memo (Full)Handles the AR workflow
TransactionsSales Orders (Full)Handles the AR workflow
ListCustomers (Full)Handles the AR workflow
ListProjects (Full)Handles the AR workflow
ListJobs (Full)Handles the AR workflow
TransactionsCredit Card Charge (Full)Handles the EM workflow
TransactionsCredit Card Refund (Full)Handles the EM workflow
ReportsTaxPermissions required to support secondary workflows
ReportsTransaction DetailPermissions required to support secondary workflows
ReportsInventoryPermissions required to support secondary workflows
ReportsSalesPermissions required to support secondary workflows
ListCurrencyThese entities support all transactions
ListClassesThese entities support all transactions
ListItemsThese entities support all transactions
ListLocationsThese entities support all transactions
ListOther NamesThese entities support all transactions
ListDepartmentsThese entities support all transactions
ListAccountsThese entities support all transactions
SetupCustom FieldsThese entities support all transactions

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and we will continue growing this list as we implement new features