Zoho Books guide

Software Setup

To acquire your own Zoho Books instance, we suggest creating a Zoho Books account and signing up for a free trial.

Zoho Books does not provide any sample data, but comes with a default accounting setup that you can use to create transactions.

Rutter does not provide any Zoho Books instances.

Developer Account Setup

Create a Zoho Books Developer App and configure it so that you can process accounting data through Rutter.

Login to Zoho Books

  1. Go to the Zoho Books Developer Console and sign in.

Create a Client

  1. Click "Add Client" and choose "Server-based application" and fill out the fields.
    • For "Authorized Redirect URIs", please use https://production.rutterapi.com/zohobooks/proxy/${YOUR_RUTTER_ORG_ID}/redirect-url. You can find your Org ID in your settings page.

Share your production client_id and client_secret with Rutter

  1. First, get the client_id and client_secret from Zoho Books. To do this:
    • Navigate to the "Client Secret" tab of your new application.
  2. Then, share these two values to Rutter by entering them in the Dashboard:
    • Login to the Rutter Dashboard
    • Make sure you’re in Production Mode. Navigate to Platforms, select the Accounting menu, and click on Zoho Books.
    • Copy the client_id and client_secret into the text boxes and click Save.

Enable OAuth credentials for multiple regions

  1. First, enable support for multiple data centers and ability to use the same OAuth credentials for all data centers. To do this:
    • Navigate to the "Settings" tab of your new application.
  2. Check the checkbox for "Use the same OAuth credentials for all data centers".
  3. Click the toggles to activate OAuth for the regions you would like to support, for example EU (zoho.eu).