Meta guide

Setting up the Meta Integration

To access your users' data from Meta, you need to set up the Meta integration in the Rutter dashboard. Follow these steps:

  1. Enable the Meta integration in the Platforms Page.
  2. Configure Meta developer app credentials in the Meta Platform Configuration Page.
    • For development purposes, you may use Rutter’s developer app temporarily for quick setup and testing. To use Rutter’s app, leave the Developer Config on the Rutter dashboard empty and unchanged.
    • When ready to ship your integration, use your own Meta developer app and update the developer config with your app’s credentials.

Follow the guide in the next section to create your own Meta developer app.

Creating a Facebook Developer App

To access the Developer App page, go through the Facebook Developer Portal.

Either select an existing app or register a new app. Complete the App Settings setup by going through the following steps:

  1. For the Basic Settings, use the details below:
    • App Domains:
    Meta App Domains
    • Complete the section for Business verification / Access verification
    Meta Business Verification
  2. Complete the App Review settings.
  3. For Permissions and Features, select the following permissions:
    1. Ads Management Standard Access
    2. public_profile
    3. ads_read
    4. business_management
    Meta Permissions

Now that the app has been created, the credentials must be added to the Rutter Dashboard platform page. To do this, go to the Meta Platform configuration page in Rutter and copy the Developer App's App ID and App Secret into the Rutter config (into the Client ID and Client Secret fields).