Amazon guide

Create an Amazon app and configure it so that you can process store data through Rutter

  1. Create an Amazon seller account. The verification process length varies and may take up to a week.
    • Note: You will need to have a phone call with Amazon. This is to confirm you are who you say you are.
  2. Register for a developer profile
    • On the page where you can select your roles, DO NOT choose any “Restricted Roles” Amazon Roles
    • For security, make sure you select the most stringent security controls possible. Yes for most answers.” Amazon Security Controls
    • Make sure you say you do not use information outside of your company. Fill in N/A for the text fields asking if you share info.” Register
    • Ensure that you're registering as a Public Developer Register
    • Click “Register”, it will take Amazon approximately 1 business day to approve the developer profile.”
  3. Create a new Amazon app here
    • Enter your App Name, API Type, IAM ARN which was created after signing up for an AWS account, and select "Sellers" for Business entities supported App Registration
    • Select all roles, since it's safer to have more than less. Amazon Roles
    • Select No to PII even if you need it. Its better to get your app approved first and then go through the PII process. Amazon PII
    • Enter the OAuth URLs (You can find your Rutter organization ID here):
      • Log-in URL:${YOUR_RUTTER_ORG_ID}/link
      • Redirect URI:${YOUR_RUTTER_ORG_ID}/link-redirect
  4. Configure your Amazon Keys into the Rutter Dashboard. Go to and copy the following values into the Rutter configuration. AWS Credentials are deprecated and no longer required.
    • Selling Partner App ID - in the Amazon App you created. App ID
    • Selling Partner App Client ID - in the Amazon App LWA Credentials Client ID
    • Selling Partner App Client Secret - in the Amazon App LWA Credentials LWA Creds
  5. You can now authenticate Amazon merchants with Rutter! To get your app listed on the Amazon app marketplace, publish your app. However, this step is not required and you can accept merchants right away.